8 Essential Steps to Take Before Starting a New Design

8 Essential Steps to Take Before Starting a New Design

Sometimes, starting a new design or an advertising idea is simpler than creating a new Photoshop document. Sometimes, the idea comes to us within seconds from out of nowhere, or we might spend a week thinking of something unique for our design. The idea may come, but we don’t know how to start, or we lack the courage to begin at all. Whatever the situation you are going through, there are thousands of different tips for starting the design process, but here we’ll stick to these tips that might be a good way to get started…


1. Start with Inspiration Sources:

Before grabbing the mouse or sketching on paper—or even creating a new Photoshop document—try exploring global galleries and looking at other designs, whether they’re similar to your work or not. Understand what you should do and what to avoid. Create a folder to store the images and designs that inspire you, organizing them for easy access later.


2. Planning and Organization:

It’s crucial to fully understand what your client is asking for before you start. Gather all the information and tools you’ll need. Organize your priorities; for instance, if you’re tasked with designing a logo, poster, and business card, start with the logo since the other tasks will depend on it.


3. Don’t Rely Solely on Computers and the Internet:

Take walks around the city or in nature. Getting away from your usual work environment can spark creativity and help you organize your thoughts, leading to the generation of new ideas you might not have expected.


4. Start with Paper:

If an idea comes to mind, grab a pen and paper immediately—ideas don’t stick around for long. This method is particularly useful for designing logos and posters. The key is to jot down your ideas on paper to prevent them from getting lost and to help you stay organized.


5. Create a Workboard:

Print out essential elements of your new design, collect photographs, and everything that inspires you. Add your sketches and notes to gather everything visually and tangibly. You can also pin them on a board and hang it on the wall in front of you during your work.


6. Set a Specific Time for Your New Project:

Stick to a regular schedule and avoid working randomly. Setting a specific deadline for your work helps you stay disciplined and reassures your client that you’ll finish on time.


7. Start with What You Love First:

If you have multiple tasks, start with the one you enjoy most. Starting with what you love increases your creativity and helps you smoothly transition to other tasks.


8. Review Your Old Work:

If you find it difficult to complete a task, review your old work. Compare past circumstances with the present and try to overcome the obstacles you face. Don’t stop at the first hurdle, and be ready to rethink and approach the task anew.

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