Bucharest: A New Chapter in My Life

Bucharest: A New Chapter in My Life

Every decision we make comes with a price, and in each of our journeys, there are a series of decisions that lead us to a certain place, goal, or even idea. Just as your goals, values, and God’s guidance can steer you towards one path over another, in the end, it’s your story. One day, you’ll look back and know that “at least” during that period, you thought, prayed, chose, and decided.


Yes, you might make mistakes in your decisions, knowing that ultimately, it’s your destiny that was written for you from the very beginning. But the freedom to make those decisions is one of God’s greatest gifts to us. With all its responsibility, it’s one of the things that make you feel alive and aware of your existence. Even a small child’s first battles are over their decisions.


You might have noticed my absence over the past few months, and that’s because of a decision I made, one that significantly impacted my life. But before I tell you about that decision, let me take you back in time to tell you its story.


The First Decision to Travel

With the onset of the Syrian revolution in 2011, the looming mandatory military service, and the difficulty of extending my university deferral, I started considering traveling to Egypt. I was very close to booking my ticket, but during a conversation with a client—who was more of a friend than a client—he suggested that I try traveling to Turkey instead. I was convinced and decided to travel to Turkey, leaving almost everything behind.


Living in Turkey

After arriving in Turkey, I spent about a week to ten days there, after which I felt a strong desire to return to my previous life. Indeed, I returned to Syria after just a week in Turkey, but God’s will led to several complications that drove me back to Turkey with even more enthusiasm. Over time, I began to feel a sense of belonging and love for this beautiful country, and my desire to stay grew as friends arrived, I visited Istanbul, and my family came for a visit.


A Routine Paper at a Government Office

On a rainy day, I was in the process of renewing my wife’s residence permit and obtaining one for my newborn daughter. At the government office, the clerk noticed that my wife was born in Romania, meaning she was no longer eligible to stay in Turkey, except as a Romanian citizen—and so was my daughter. We were filled with shock and disappointment, but with several official documents, translations, and stamps, my daughter received a travel document to Romania with ease from the Romanian embassy.


My Wife and Daughter’s Journey

Afterward, my wife and daughter traveled to Romania for a few months to arrange all the necessary paperwork and then returned to Turkey. However, nothing was the same anymore. Turkey’s policy toward foreigners began to change, and I developed a real fear of any official process, no matter how simple.


The Decision to Travel Again

During the ten years I spent in Turkey, I was offered opportunities to move to Saudi Arabia or Romania multiple times, but each time the thought of leaving was overshadowed by memories of Istanbul, making us dismiss the idea. However, as time passed, we began to feel that a decision was looming. Our daughter Laila was growing up and nearing school age, and official documents and government decisions were starting to have a greater impact on our lives. In the end, we decided to move to Romania, leaving almost everything behind. After many beautiful years filled with memories, we boarded the plane and left.



Despite my strong belief in the concept of “a new beginning,” this start was exhausting and difficult. We haven’t fully recovered from it yet, but it was an enjoyable and exceptional experience. It’s been about six months since we moved to Bucharest, a city with modest hustle and a quiet, repetitive routine. It hasn’t yet sparked my interest, but I hope it brings us much good in the future.


Despite everything, I still remember Istanbul and love it dearly. However, perhaps it was a one-sided love or a chapter that has ended, with the start of a new chapter where I now have more mental peace and much to look forward to, God willing.


In the end, I wish you all exciting and beautiful decisions that bring you happiness and change your life for the better, or keep it in the best and most beautiful shape possible.

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