Why I Use Email Only for Work

Why I Use Email Only for Work

When a new client reaches out to me and requests a direct communication method, I often apologize and mention that the only communication method I use is email. For some, this is acceptable or at least understandable, while for others, it might seem strange or even surprising.


Yes, I know that communication tools like WhatsApp have become the norm, and I might seem old-fashioned. I also understand that many readers might find this stance odd or unappealing and could have quick responses to each point I’ll mention below.

Of course, I don’t deny using WhatsApp in some very specific situations, especially for voice notes. But the default rule is that I don’t use it for actual work. In this post, I’ll explain the reasons why I stick to email communication with clients.


Direct Means.. Direct Distraction

Direct communication methods create a sense of chaos and pressure for me. Even if I try not to take on too many clients at once, the scenario where two different clients communicate simultaneously, a friend or former client checks in, and notifications come in from multiple apps, is a nightmare for me. I can’t imagine this scenario as a natural routine or a simple matter.


Available.. Now?

Email doesn’t create an expectation for an immediate response, unlike direct communication methods, which imply “now.” Have phrases like “Are you there? Hello… waiting for you” ever seemed strange to you? These scenarios are rare in email communication, and you can simply avoid opening your inbox until you’re ready to respond.


Always Available

Direct communication tools make clients feel like you’re always available. Holding your phone and being online means you’re ready to work or respond, which adds psychological pressure.


Our Work Requires Focus

In our field, which demands focus and mental clarity, direct communication is the opposite of what’s needed. Some messages or questions require careful thought and formulation, not an instant reply. Email allows you to focus and respond in the best possible way.


Wasted Time

You might think direct communication methods are quicker, but they often take longer. Email forces you to be concise and clear. In contrast, WhatsApp can turn a simple discussion into a long conversation that lasts for hours.


Email Means Archiving and Organization

Email provides a clean, organized environment. You can easily refer back to previous messages without distractions. Direct communication methods, on the other hand, can leave you in a mess of messages, files, images, and calls.


Sometimes You Need to Think

Some questions require time to think and formulate a response. Direct communication methods pressure you to reply immediately, leading to rushed and poorly thought-out conversations.


In Conclusion…

This post reflects my personal experience and stance on using email as the primary communication method for work. Not everyone may agree with me, but I’ve found that this approach helps me maintain focus and mental clarity. If you rely heavily on direct communication tools, I recommend organizing your conversations as much as possible to ensure you continue working in a comfortable and calm manner.

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