Khamsat - Microservices Platform Logo

Khamsat - Microservices Platform Logo

Logo for Khamsat, an Arabic platform for buying and selling microservices. The logo is a typographic design, with the Arabic letter "م" shaped like the number 5, symbolizing the platform’s name and focus on small services.
شعار خمسات، منصة عربية لبيع وشراء الخدمات المصغرة. يتميز الشعار بتصميم نصي حيث يتشكل حرف "م" ليبدو كرقم 5، مما يعكس اسم المنصة وتركيزها على الخدمات المصغرة.

Typographic logo for Khamsat, featuring the Arabic letter "م" as the number 5, representing the brand's focus on microservices.
Typographic logo for Khamsat, featuring the Arabic letter "م" as the number 5, representing the brand's focus on microservices.