PlayStation-inspired logo for NG4A, combining symbols with letters to represent gaming culture.

NG4A - Saudi Gaming News & Reviews Logo

Logo for NG4A, a Saudi-based website for video game news, reports, and reviews. The design integrates PlayStation symbols (square, circle, triangle) with each letter, connecting the brand to gaming culture.
شعار NG4A، موقع سعودي لأخبار الألعاب ومراجعاتها. يتضمن الشعار رموز البلاي ستيشن (المربع والدائرة والمثلث) مرتبطة بكل حرف، مما يعكس ثقافة الألعاب.

PlayStation-inspired logo for NG4A, combining symbols with letters to represent gaming culture.
PlayStation-inspired logo for NG4A, combining symbols with letters to represent gaming culture.